Saturday, February 21, 2009

California Budget Follies

California is doing whatever it can to mismanage its way to disaster. Here is a graphic showing how the California State University system keeps piling on administrators, while expecting the staff and faculty to take on more responsibilities. In so far as teaching is concerned, the model is becoming more like No Child Left Behind -- more and more silly ways to generate numbers that have nothing to do with education.

With all the superficial complaints about education, virtually nobody in authority takes issue with the managerial bloat. Anyway, enjoy the graphic.


Shag from Brookline said...

"With all the superficial complaints about education, virtually nobody in authority takes issue with the managerial bloat."

Haven't we had such bloat in government bureaucracies, corporations, etc, for some time? When job cuts are made, whether in the public or private sector, they may impact the grunts more than the managers. Perhaps there should be more fear of "brain clog" than "brain drain."

Anonymous said...

Arnold is no Ronald Reagan!!

"more and more silly ways to generate numbers that have nothing to do with education."

The joy of trying to manage anything other than a machine with performance objectives!!

The other day I was reading a performance based rating plan for a midwife.

Sort of funny!!


Barkley Rosser said...

The AAUP has documented that this trend is nationwide and not just in California.